[ Opisthokonta | Metazoa | Eumetazoa | . . .
. . . | Noctuidae | Amphipyrinae | Spodoptera ]
Picture Source
Taxonomy: | Eukaryota | Opisthokonta | Metazoa | Eumetazoa | Bilateria | Protostomia | Ecdysozoa | Panarthropoda | Arthropoda | Mandibulata | Pancrustacea | Hexapoda | Insecta | Dicondylia | Pterygota | Neoptera | Holometabola | Amphiesmenoptera | Lepidoptera | Glossata | Neolepidoptera | Heteroneura | Ditrysia | Obtectomera | Noctuoidea | Noctuidae | Amphipyrinae | Spodoptera |
Common: | small mottled willow caterpillar, pigweed caterpillar (German: Zuckerrübeneule, Knöterich-Seidenglanzeule) |
Go to NCBI Taxonomy (7107) |
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Encyclopedia of life |
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Wikipedia |
Publications: |
Park Y, Gonzalez-Martinez RM, Navarro-Cerrillo G et. al. 
( 2014)
BMC Biol 12, 46.
Li H, Jiang W, Zhang Z et. al. 
( 2013)
PLoS One 8, e65931.
Pascual L, Jakubowska AK, Blanca JM et. al. 
( 2012)
Insect Biochem Mol Biol 42, 557-570.
Genome files