[ Opisthokonta | Metazoa | Eumetazoa | . . .
. . . | Pectinoidea | Pectinidae | Placopecten ]
Taxonomy: | Eukaryota | Opisthokonta | Metazoa | Eumetazoa | Bilateria | Protostomia | Lophotrochozoa | Mollusca | Bivalvia | Pteriomorphia | Pectinoida | Pectinoidea | Pectinidae | Placopecten |
Common: | sea scallop (German: Nordwestatlantische Tiefsee- oder Riesenkammmuschel) |
Go to NCBI Taxonomy (6577) |
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Encyclopedia of life |
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Wikipedia |
Projects: |
National Center for Biotechnology Information: NCBI Eukaryotic Genomes Project
Publication: |
Pairett AN, Serb JM
PLoS One 8, e69852.
Genome files