[ Opisthokonta | Metazoa | Eumetazoa | . . .
. . . | Passeriformes | Paridae | Parus ]
Courtesy of Luc Viatour
Taxonomy: | Eukaryota | Opisthokonta | Metazoa | Eumetazoa | Bilateria | Deuterostomia | Chordata | Craniata | Vertebrata | Gnathostomata | Teleostomi | Euteleostomi | Sarcopterygii | Dipnotetrapodomorpha | Tetrapoda | Amniota | Sauropsida | Sauria | Archelosauria | Archosauria | Dinosauria | Saurischia | Theropoda | Coelurosauria | Aves | Neognathae | Passeriformes | Paridae | Parus |
Common: | Great Tit (German: Kohlmeise) |
Go to NCBI Taxonomy (9157) |
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Publication: |
Laine VN, Gossmann TI, Schachtschneider KM et. al.
( 2016)
Nat Commun 7, 10474.
Genome files