
Actinidia chinensis

[ Viridiplantae | Streptophyta | Streptophytina | . . .
. . . | Ericales | Actinidiaceae | Actinidia ]

Actinidia_chinensis Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Viridiplantae | Streptophyta | Streptophytina | Embryophyta | Tracheophyta | Euphyllophyta | Spermatophyta | Magnoliophyta | Mesangiospermae | eudicotyledons | Gunneridae | Pentapetalae | asterids | Ericales | Actinidiaceae | Actinidia
Synonym:Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis
Common:(German: Chinesischer Strahlengriffel, Kiwi)
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (3625)
Eol Encyclopedia of life
Wiki Wikipedia
et. al. Right (2013)
Nat Commun 4, 2640. Down

Genome files

GenBank - NIH genetic sequence database GenBank - NIH genetic sequence database
Type Version Date Compl Cov GC % Size (Mbp) Contigs CGR Illegal Chars N50 (kbp) Acc File Seq info
Contigs v 1.0.0 2013-02-01 Dna_compl 150 35.2 604.2 26721Info - 58 Down Chromosome Comment

National Center for Biotechnology Information National Center for Biotechnology Information
Type Version Date Compl Cov GC % Size (Mbp) Contigs CGR Illegal Chars N50 (kbp) Acc File Seq info
TSA assembly 01 v 1.0.0 2013-07-10 Rna_part - 44.3 24.7 20000 - Down Chromosome Comment
TSA assembly 02 v 1.0.0 2013-07-10 Rna_part - 44.0 18.7 26103 - Down Chromosome Comment
TSA assembly 03 v 1.0.0 2013-07-10 Rna_part - 44.2 14.6 10000 - Down Chromosome Comment

diArk 3.0 Content Info

gen DNA Projects:5222
EST/cDNA Projects:851
link to cymobase
link to scipio
link to www.motorprotein.de
MPI for biophysical chemistry

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