
Phanerochaete chrysosporium RP-78

[ Opisthokonta | Fungi | Dikarya | . . .
. . . | Phanerochaetaceae | Phanerochaete | Phanerochaete chrysosporium ]

Phanerochaete_chrysosporium_RP_78 Picture Source
Taxonomy:Eukaryota | Opisthokonta | Fungi | Dikarya | Basidiomycota | Agaricomycotina | Agaricomycetes | Agaricomycetes incertae sedis | Polyporales | Phanerochaetaceae | Phanerochaete | Phanerochaete chrysosporium
Anamorph:Sporotrichum pruinosum
Common:white rot fungus (German: Weißfäulepilz)
Comment:The wood-decaying basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium does not produce mushrooms for reproduction; instead, it forms effuse, very flat fruiting bodies that appear as a crust on wood. Phanerochaete chrysosporium is the most intensively studied white-rot fungus. White-rot fungi degrade lignin, the brown polymer that surrounds and protects the cellulose microfibrils of plant cells. As part of their lignin-degrading enzyme system, these fungi produce unique peroxidases and oxidases that are also capable of degrading compounds related to lignin that are present in toxic wastes, pesticides, and explosive contaminated materials.
Ncbi Go to NCBI Taxonomy (273507)
Eol Encyclopedia of life
Wiki Wikipedia
et. al. Right (2004)
Nat Biotechnol 22, 695-700. Down

Genome files

DOE Joint Genome Institute DOE Joint Genome Institute
Type Version Date Compl Cov GC % Size (Mbp) Contigs CGR Illegal Chars N50 (kbp) Acc File Seq info
Supercontigs v 2.0.0 2005-02-01 Dna_compl 10.6 56.8 32.5 232Info - 1906 - Chromosome_license Comment
Supercontigs v 1.0.0 2002-02-01 Dna_compl 10.5 57.0 29.8 767Info - 200 - Chromosome_license Comment

National Center for Biotechnology Information National Center for Biotechnology Information
Type Version Date Compl Cov GC % Size (Mbp) Contigs CGR Illegal Chars N50 (kbp) Acc File Seq info
Contigs v 1.0.0 2004-06-21 Dna_compl - 57.0 29.8 1323Info - 78 Down Chromosome Comment

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